Report for Africa Community Technical Services (ACTS)

St. John's very generously continued to support ACTS in 2016 with a total donation of $2245.15 which will be matched by a Vancouver area private donor to double its impact in Uganda.

A message recently received from ACTS Director, Nate Lepp, is shared with you here:

"Your incredible support throughout the year has brought clean water to families across Uganda. As a caring ACTS supporter, you already know that water transforms lives and builds healthier communities. Families are freed to spend time growing food, going to school, and earning a living and it's all because of you.

Thank you.
Nate Lepp"


Jeff Golby, ACTS Director of Resource Development, is hoping to visit this region early in 2017 to bring first hand greetings, and you will hear the details about his trip as soon as they are available.

Respecfully submitted,
Judy-Anne Chapman