Report of Building and Property Committee to Vestry

At year’s end, the committee consisted of Walter Langford (chair), Goran Bengtsson, Gordon Bristowe, Graham Dunsmore, Gordon Martin, Guy Mommaerts, Edward Thomas and Dave Watkins. Recommendations to wardens, project management, annual inspections and maintenance form the duties. The chair attends Corporation meetings.

The following matters were dealt with in 2016:

  1. Due to the deteriorating condition of the wooden vents and quatrefoils in the bell tower, Hanscomb Glass undertook their repair and painting. Due to extensive rot in the vents’ sills, it was necessary to replace most and undertake masonry repair around the sills. This proved quite time consuming so the project was scaled back to stay within budget. The 2 quatrefoils and the vent looking out over the chancel roof will be completed in 2017. Budget allowing, we will also complete the restoration of the 3 remaining windows in the nave and chancel.
  2. Under Gordon Bristowe’s leadership, a utility shed was built, and the south and west entry doors painted.
  3. Some plaster in the basement stairwell was removed or repaired, and painted.
  4. Heritage plaques provided by TCW were installed on Church and parish centre.
  5. New carpet was installed in the nave, west entry and basement stairs.
  6. After the spring gardening, Judy Briggs-Bentgsson and Kathryn Houston retired from their leadership role in managing our parish gardens.  Last year’s adopt-a-garden program continued most successfully through the summer and fall.  Many thanks to the gardeners who maintained our tradition of beautiful grounds, and to both Kathy and Judy for their many years of service!

The committee will meet in early spring to consider plans for 2017. One expense required will be the replacement of the gas-fired, hot water heating system in the original section of the parish centre. After a thorough cleaning last fall it still barely passed the CO test, and given its age, replacement has been recommended.

As always, we appreciate the caring and supportive work of our custodian, Bob Ford, and thank the many, many volunteers who inspect, decorate, clean, paint, repair and garden, helping to make our Church buildings and grounds a beautiful and welcoming place. I encourage anyone interested in joining the committee, in doing handi-person work or in adopting a garden to approach me during coffee hour.


Respectfully submitted,
Walter Langford, Chair