Volunteer Choir Report

St. John’s Volunteer Choir is a group of talented and enthusiastic singers who rehears on Tuesdays from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. The choir provides musical leadership at the 9:00 a.m. services on the second and fourth Sundays of the month, and at the 11:00 a.m. service on Advent I and IV.

For 11 years, the choir has been led by Emily Petrenko. This fall, Emily reluctantly had to relinquish this responsibility, as she took on the role of artistic director of the Mississauga Children’s Choir, which involves a considerable time commitment. With the agreement of the church’s administration, the leadership of the Volunteer Choir was turned over to me.

We continue to learn new music from the Oxford anthems books purchased last year, and this fall have added a Gounod mass for use at 11:00 a.m. services to our repertoire. I would like to extend thanks to our dedicated singers, who, without flinching, put up with my terrible jokes and occasional off-topic ramblings. Special thanks to Stan and Elizabeth Litch for hosting us all at our most recent party.

All are welcome to sing in the choir, and there is no audition required to join. Please speak to Jurgen to discuss the best time to start, and then reap the benefits of singing beautiful music, making new friends, and making an important contribution to choral music at St. John’s.

Respectfully submitted,
Jurgen Petrenko



Youth Choir Report to Vestry


The St. John’s Youth Choir is comprised of singers whose ages currently range from 4 to 15. In September, 2016, the choir changed rehearsal days from Tuesdays, and now rehearses on Thursdays from 4:45 to 5:15. The choir sings an introit and a blessing at the 11:00 service approximately ten times each year.

Youth Choir prefect Claire van Donkelaar helps to focus the youngsters long enough to learn new music for services approximately once per month. A choir prefect performs various roles including assisting with vocal warm-ups, organizing gowns, providing vocal leadership, taking attendance, handing out music books, and helping the youngest children follow along in the music.

The Youth Choir offers free musical training to all young people in the community, and provides new families an introduction to St. John’s. Our newest members are Laura (age 10), Bennett (age 9), Vivien (age 8), Clara (age 8), Lili (age 7), Elise (age 5), Izabel (age 4). If you know of a young family with potential recruits, or would like your little one to learn with the choir, please speak to Emily to determine the best time to join the group. This is a non-auditioned choir, there is no fee to participate, and all are most welcome!

Respectfully submitted,
Emily Petrenko