St. John the Evangelist Patronal Lunch – 2016

This year the Patronal Lunch was, again, a wonderful occasion for 100 parishioners to share food and conversation at the Elora Community Centre, in celebration of our patron, St. John. As in 2015, we started with appetizers and catching up with friends before lunch, and sat down to a buffet meal, with dessert following. It was a bittersweet time as we had just learned that our Rector, Patrick, was retiring. We were grateful to have the opportunity to share a final meal with Beth, Elsa, Nerissa and Patrick.

We were fortunate to have many of the same tasty appetizers, some of which have become parishioners’ signature contribution. Wine, dessert, and flowers were supplied again by our fellow members, and we had a great selection of squares for dessert. Suzanne Kienapple and Kelly Muth kept parishioners apprised of their turn at the buffet line, and plied them with more appetizers as they waited.

Melanie Love and her family generously prepared and brought the salads, thank you so much. We had so many people ask to help with the food service that some were sent out into the room to just mingle and check on table settings, an impromptu hospitality committee. Thanks to Meg Prichard and the Langfords for looking after the linen and to all those who helped with table setting, and buffet food service. Judy Briggs, Anne Vaugeois and Betty Knight were our valued cleanup team this year.

Linda Coultes, Susan Adams, and the church office staff took the time to gather up the RSVPs.  Elizabeth Hanson graciously accepted the free-will offering at the door.

It was great to be with all of you. Thanks be to God for our parish life.


Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Staton