pwrdf 1REACHING OUT TO THE WORLD VIA PWRDF                        

PWRDF continues to offer us a lens through which we can see the signs of God’s reign here and now. PWRDF offers us opportunities to sow the seeds of His reign and to see the plants sprout and bear fruit.

When many felt overwhelmed by the utter misery of Syrian and other refugees and before we could participate in welcoming some refugees in our land, we were reminded that the majority of refugees continues to linger in Near Eastern camps. Through PWRDF and their allied organizations their plight can be alleviated with our gifts of prayer and money.

pwrdf 2Our cooperation with St. James Fergus continued most successfully.  We raised $1,250 at our annual Harvest Tea in September. With over $7,000 in Government matching grants, this will equip two health centres in Mozambique with emergency power.

We also wrote a to-do manual to assist future committee members in the planning and organizing of this event.

On PWRDF Sunday in November we had the pleasure of welcoming Dr. Joel Mubiligi, Deputy Chief Medical Officer with Partners in Health Rwanda, and Sophie Matte with Village Health Works, Burundi, overseeing the All Mothers and Children Count program. I only wish there would have been more time for more of you to hear their extraordinary stories.

Please read carefully the following thank-you letter from PWRDF and the list of extraordinary program outcomes, i.e. signs of God’s enfolding reign.


Respectfully submitted,
Doris M’Timkulu, PWRDF Coordinator