St. John's Refugee Support Group

Our committee of nine members (Peter Barr, Susan Brown, Susan Hirst, Janet Hossack, Stan Litch, Deb Ostic, Jeff Ostic, Peter Scott, Wendy Donohue) has been meeting monthly.

Our mandate continues to be support for the four Centre Wellington organizations who have sponsored refugee families (Project Welcome, Under the Same Sky, Faith Lutheran Church, St. Andrew's Presbyterian Fergus). This support has been primarily financial, but in-kind donations and volunteer services have also been offered.

In 2016 we achieved a laudable outcome of financial support through various methods:

 - the on-going "Coins in Jars" continues to generate funds in several businesses around Elora

- the October 27 Evensong Service with the participation of Noel and The Parish Choir raised over $2000 for CW Refugee Support

- the sale of hot chocolate at the Elora Santa Claus Parade in November added $250 to the account

- weekly bulletin reminders for donations towards refugee support have encouraged financial and in-kind support from the congregation

In total for 2016, we have raised $7,647.74 which has been equally dispersed among the 4 participating sponsoring groups. Since the group was formed in 2015, we have raised over $10,000 for CW refugee support.

We are most grateful for the generosity of the congregation in this worthwhile outreach cause.

Respectfully submitted,
Wendy Donohue